Wednesday 4 May 2016

Know the Facts About Brass Chafing Dishes

For the most type of chafing dishes of handi, brass and copper is used as a raw material. Both brass and copper increase the shelf life of this catering equipment. Precisely, brass chafing dishes are durable, carefully architecture, and displays the creativity of its designer. In fact, the usage of brass and copper in the making reflects the iconic Mughal and Maurya era.

Chafing dishes can be round, oval, rectangular, circular, and flamboyantly decorated. Depending upon the space and people to handle, carefully choose the size and shape of your chafing dish. One may even opt for temporary dishes if the matter is of a few or less parties. Chafing dishes help guests in large quantities serve themselves while the host being hospitable to them without worrying about food being cold or stale. It is not necessary to buy chafing dishes if you do not entertain guests often. In the time of need, you can purchase or rent these brass chafing dishes from catering suppliers. Chafing dishes or handi or steam pans are nothing but a gift from its inventor to event and party planners.

Use of Chafing Dishes:

For every catering business, chafing dishes are vital. From serving food at buffets to keeping it warm and fresh, dishes does these with perfection. They come with a water pan, fuel holder, a cover (conditional), and a stand. A few of benefits of brass chafing dishes are:
  •      Heats Faster
  •          Easy to hold and carry
  •          Keep food warm and fresh for a long time
  •          Elegant finishing
  •          Sizes available from 4 litres and above
Considering that anyone can use a chafing dish, there are some facts that each beginner must learn. Investing huge sums of money is foolishness, rather head start with investing as little as you could. There are economical chafing dishes that also come in various shapes, sizes, styles and money constraints.  Look in detail every king of brass chafing dish along with its accessories to find the right version of this exceptionally carved catering equipment that adds perfection to the events.